The organizers of Robert Leslie stencils website are operating under the Free Speech First Amendment rights.

"Thank you for visiting #JusticeForLeslie Website."

Leslie's organizers want to thank all those who participated in helping put this project together. What the federal government did is absolutely wrong, and he's asking all of you for your help. Leslie believes his confrontation with the federal government began when he alerted his C-level management, along with consultants contracted to General American LNG, that the 15% tax the government claimed was sufficient was unfair. He argued for a 35% tax rate, stating that even at that rate, there would still be plenty of money for the investors and shareholders of those large companies. Leslie also criticized government subsidies for projects like electric vehicles and charging stations, which burdened taxpayers who didn't even own stock in those companies but paid the upfront costs. Leslie's outspokenness led the government to falsely brand him as corrupt, while he saw them as the true thieves, exploiting the people of the United States through corporate welfare at the taxpayers' expense. This ordeal taught Leslie a harsh lesson: never outshine the master, especially the Federal government, or risk being silenced and imprisoned. Leslie believes the government's true motive was to maintain control and silence dissent. Despite his efforts to promote "The Stencil Plan," which involves scaling natural gas as a fourth transportation fuel, the government's alliance with the Chinese Communist Party for materials in the electric vehicle industry and the birth of the Green New Deal illustrated the consequences of challenging the status quo. In essence, the government cloned or stole Leslie's plan and decided to make the American taxpayer pay for it. That's why they put Mr. Stencil into prison. Leslie needs all of our help!


Only in America could something like this happen?


Leslie is resolute in clearing his name and wants the truth to shine. The government's claim of him stealing millions is a blatant falsehood. He vehemently asserts that every dollar raised by the company is meticulously documented, as evidenced by both company tax returns and SEC filings. There's not a hint of wrongdoing in sight! This is a stark reminder that we need a fair system where big corporations contribute their fair share - Leslie advocates for a 34% tax rate, not the paltry 15% proposed by the current Administration. He points out the issue of taxpayers subsidizing these mammoth projects while receiving no stake in the companies they funded. It's time for change. Leslie is a champion for the hardworking, everyday Americans who toil relentlessly, sometimes holding down multiple jobs to make ends meet. Instead of reaping the benefits, they were left empty-handed as Leslie faced cancellation and imprisonment. But we can reverse this injustice together. If you have a connection to a congressman, a senator, or a constitutional attorney, reach out to them. Share this message, and let's unite to help Leslie regain his freedom and restore these projects for the American people. It's time for action. #JusticeForLeslie

The Past

Leslie wants everybody to know that he found the Smoking Gun in this case. Three of the federal judges, according to the ethics rules, should have recused themselves as all owned oil and gas stocks in their personal portfolios. This includes anti-oil and gas stocks Judge Keegan, Judge Stacker, and Judge Cogburn Jr. But instead of recusing themselves, they charged him as a sweepstakes scam or, instead, skirted the ethics rules, which is against the law.

The Past

Leslie wants everybody to know that he found the Smoking Gun in this case. Three of the federal judges, according to the ethics rules, should have recused themselves as all owned oil and gas stocks in their personal portfolios. This includes anti-oil and gas stocks Judge Keegan, Judge Stacker, and Judge Cogburn Jr. But instead of recusing themselves, they charged him as a sweepstakes scam or, instead, skirted the ethics rules, which is against the law.

The Present

Leslie is currently looking for a 1983 constitutional procedural damage lawsuit attorney, big enough to take on the federal government for defamation of character and losses due to delays in the tens of billions of dollars. He is willing to give up to 50% of the winnings and has all the exculpatory evidence and evidence of the smoking gun

The Future

Leslie believes in his heart, and he also believes in his father above. He was not building these projects to try to become rich; he was doing it because he wanted to leave something for his family and leave a legacy for the American people. He loves everyone with all of his heart

And Beyond

Once these projects are up and running, Leslie and his team of people plan to build LNG receiving terminals all over the world, with carbon capture units wherever they are needed, making this project methane and carbon-neutral and being good custodians of our planet Earth

This is an LNG carrier it holds approximately +/- 170,000m³ of liquid natural gas.

Natural gas is transported on specially designed ships as liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG is natural gas that is cooled to -260° Fahrenheit, the temperature at which natural gas becomes a liquid. The volume of the liquid is 600 times smaller than the gaseous form.

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